In this Session you will find a list of materials available or being produced. Books of plays, arrangements, playbacks, composition scores, mp3s, complete albums, videos and articles about drums.
Drums Methods
Drums for Kids Collection
"Drums for Kids" Collection with 5 books in printed version with 70 pages of content in each, totaling 350 pages for teaching drums to children from 4 years old. Using a special tablature system with drawings in a progressive system and involving rhythms to be used in different styles of music. It has a preface with instructions for parents and teachers.
Instructions for Teachers
72 chapters
70 pages (each) with spiral binding, transparent protective cover and resistant sheets of 120g/m².

Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3

Volume 5

5 Volumes
Partituras Avulsas Didáticas
Video Courses
The Drums Survival Guide Vol.1
Rock and Pop
The Drums Survival Guide Vol.2
The Drums Survival Guide Vol.3
Brazilian Rhythms
The Drums Survival Guide Vol.4
Ethnic and World
A practical introduction to the instrument, with the aim of quickly following any type of music, making use of strategic grooves and rhythms, without neglecting posture and fundamental techniques. Accompanies mp3, reference videos and guitar and bass accompaniments.
Métodos em produção
The Drums Survival Book Vol.1
Rock and Pop
The Drums Survival Book Vol.2
The Drums Survival Book Vol.3
Brazilian Rhythms
The Drums Survival Book Vol.1
Ethnic and World
A practical introduction to the instrument, with the aim of quickly following any type of music, making use of strategic grooves and rhythms, without neglecting posture and fundamental techniques. Accompanies mp3, reference videos and guitar and bass accompaniments.
Theory and Score for Drummers
Video Course
Support and teaching book to master the reading of the score, totally aimed at drummers who are starting and also who are already playing but are interested in deepening their practice with this tool.
The Metal Drummer Book Vol.1
Double pedal
The Metal Drummer Book Vol.2
Blast Beats
Methods with fundamentals, techniques, exercises and most important moves to draw and compose your drum lines. It also contains tips for band work, rehearsals, composition, recording and concerts, as well as tuning and timbre of the instrument.
Albums coming soon!
Medieval and Folk Metal Version
Vol. 1
A selection of 20 old medieval and traditional songs in a heavy reinterpretation with guitar, keyboard, bass and drums