Nordic Music
Nordic Music Books
Volume 1 of the "Nordic Music" collection in versions for various instruments, which features in each volume a selection of 20 beautiful songs from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland, as well as instructions for performance and arrangements.
Ebook, Print, Video Playbacks, Demonstrations, Study Page, Official Album and more!

Projects involving traditional music from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland where I play various instruments such as whistles, recorders and transverse flutes, percussions, tagelharpa and bouzouki, which despite being an instrument from the eastern Mediterranean has already been incorporated into the traditional music of northern Europe, as well as many other instruments common throughout Europe that arrived there gradually, and from this more modern group the ones I also play like the acoustic bass and guitar.
The Nordic culture, like the Celtic, has its region of greatest refuge and conservation as can always be seen in more isolated from neighboring influences such as islands and the outer edges of northern Europe, Scandinavia, but especially Iceland which was able to contain and conserve a version of writings on mythology, its culture in general and its language in an older form.
De forma geral os nórdicos são resultantes de uma migração de tribos germânicas muito antigas , from before the Roman expansion, which occupied these distant and even quite inhospitable places, especially in periods of great glaciation. The culture of the tribes in these places had small variations and they worshiped practically the same pantheon of deities until the Middle Ages changing only a few names and descriptions until what is now Germany.
After the end of Roman rule, these southern regions were, with greater intensity, weakening their ancestral traditions and religion by imposition and differing more from the northern regions especially situated on the upper edge of the North Sea and Baltic. The tribes named Vikings, with which the Norse are closely associated today, were the ones remaining during the Middle Ages but with the formation of the monarchical states they were also affected by the influence of their neighbors in the center of Europe and impacted especially in their religion with the adoption of Christianity.
In Iceland (island of Viking colonization) there was a longer period of tolerance with religion still in the Middle Ages and made it possible for us today to have a late version of their pagan religious culture even though it contains influences of the presence of Christianity permeating everything.
Little remains of contemporary music from the Nordic Germanic tribes as musical writing arrived well after this time, and when it arrived it was reserved for recording Christian sacred music in monasteries by learned monks. Thus, what little remains of the Vikings or even North Germans are ancient poems set to music much later, after the Middle Ages, transformed by oral tradition into the melodic styles in vogue in each era or disseminated today in modern versions based on technical or musicological understandings. artist insights. Traditional Nordic music today is made up of very interesting mixes of modal melodies that hark back to the Middle Ages as well as typical parallel counterpoints of the time, being accompanied in a very minimalistic way with just simple drum beats for a chant. , but largely played with chords and rhythms from European Germanic and even Slavic dances such as waltzes, polkas, mazurkas, and others. Traditional and very common are Hallings, a dance played with a solo instrument (fiddle, violin, tagelharpa and nickelarpa) and Polska, Waltz and Schottishe dances. With analysis, it is possible to notice the subtleties of the interferences of both Celtic and Germanic music from the classical periods of Central European music as well as from neighboring Slavic cultures. It is also important to say that Finland, despite being considered a Nordic country, has a culture that does not come from the same Germanic Indo-European branch, despite having a lot of influence due to geographical proximity, it already has a well-differentiated language, coming from peoples of the Slavic and Eastern European with a Uralic language, and in their music one can notice in the same intensity another range of differentiations.
Currently I work in solo performances and participating in the group Clan Macnorse specialized in Nordic music in Curitiba, directed by Carlos Simas.
Herr Mannelig - Traditional Sweeden

Herr Mannelig - Traditional Sweeden

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Cd available at the Website Store!